Monk (Earth Born)

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Location: Snowplains Castle

A warrior monk that trains himself deep within the Snowplains Castle. He chose the snowy plains for his training ground after learning it was the coldest location on the contintent.

Snowplains Castle on map

Base Stats

HP Agility Crit Speed Stamina Strength Wisdom
54 12 8 12 13 15 9


Kung Fu Monk Kung Fu Monk.png


Attack Up increases attack by 1/5

Ability Description Cost Damage/Heal Notes
Exhaust Attack Uses full power to launch an attack. Afterwards, ATK decreases. 3 AP
Charge Charges strength. On the next turn, deals more damage. 1 AP
Increases damage rate of next attack by 0.5
All or Nothing Risks life to attack. Afterwards, becomes stunned from using up strength. 5 AP

Tiger Monk Tiger Monk.png


Rage increases CRIT rate if a damage-dealing attack isn't a critical hit.

Ability Description Cost Damage/Heal Notes
Frenzy Fist Aims for an enemy's weak point. Deals even more damage on a critical hit. 2 AP
Rage Fist Increases CRIT rate upon hitting an enemy. 1 AP
Critical Punch Aims for an enemy's weak point. Deals even more damage on a critical hit. 4 AP

Fury Monk Fury Monk.png


Danger power increases attack by up to 50%. (0.5 * (1 - hp / maxhp)

Ability Description Cost Damage/Heal Notes
Blowback Attack A powerful attack that incurs damage on self upon hitting an enemy. 2 AP
Berserk Abandons defense to raise own ATK. 1 AP
Bloodsucker A forbidden fist move. Can convert damage dealt into HP. 4 AP


Can equip all items and glove weapons.